Parent Information

For more information please read A-Z Parent Information Booklet below.

The student run assembly is usually held two times during each term and parents, grandparents and carers are most welcome to join us and observe examples of student work. They are usually held at 9am in the gymnasium. The dates for assemblies are advertised in the school newsletter, which is sent home on a Wednesday in weeks 1, 3, 6 and 9 each term.
Car Parking
Parents visiting the school are asked to use the designated car parks, on the road, at the front of the school. This will ensure students are not walking behind cars in the staff car park.

The bus zones are restricted to buses only. Motorists are reminded that there is a speed restriction of 25km/hour past the school. All drivers should exercise maximum caution near the school.

Please ensure that students use the school crossing and do not cross the road in another spot which may be closer to their parents’ car. Parents need to lead by example and also cross at the crossing. Dangerous situations need to be avoided, and a little care will go a long way.

Hot and wet weather
If the predicted temperature for the day, from the previous night’s news report, is 38 degrees or more, the Principal (or a nominated person) may declare a Hot Weather Day. Days less than 38 degrees may also be declared as hot weather, should other conditions make the day inappropriate for outside play. This will be documented in the staff Day Book and three sirens will be rung at each break.
Term dates

Term 1
28 January to 11 April

Term 2
28 April to 4 July

Term 3
21 July to 26 September

Term 4
13 October to 12 December